Fixed Header & Menu

Written by randymills on . Posted in Frontpage

Enhance your website with an eyecatching header effect. Just set the header fixed to hide it with a cool scroll effect. The main menu is attached to the top of the site.

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Module Styles

This theme comes with different module styles, badges and icons. For each module you can pick a style and combine it with an icon or badge to create your own unique look.

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Beautiful Typography

Solar offers some neat styles for all HTML elements and a great set of CSS classes as well as several different fonts you can choose from to style your content.

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Responsive Layout

Of course Solar comes with a completely responsive design which adapts perfectly to all device resolutions.

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Warp 6

Solar is based on the fast and slick Warp6 Theme Framework, which is built with the latest web techniques like HTML5, CSS3 and PHP 5.2+.

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